Budget Reconciliation

BUDGET RECONCILIATION -- (House of Representatives - November 09, 2005)

(Mr. HINOJOSA asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.)

Mr. HINOJOSA. Madam Speaker, tomorrow the leadership of this House will bring up a budget reconciliation bill which makes cuts to Medicaid, food stamp programs for children, student loan aid programs that will force thousands of college students to leave school and prevent thousands more from even beginning higher education at the community college or university of their choice.

At a time when we are importing scientists, engineers, doctors, nurses and other highly trained workers to keep our economy running, this House is going to siphon off student aid dollars to provide $70 billion of tax cuts for the rich. According to the Congressional Budget Office, there will be nearly $8 billion in new charges to students and families that will raise the cost of their college loans at a time when the cost of higher education is rising much faster than the rate of inflation.

This reconciliation bill is not about controlling runaway Federal spending. It is about destroying our future for the short-term benefit of a privileged few. I urge my colleagues to oppose this shortsighted budget reconciliation bill.

